Wigner Functions for Eigenstates of Arbitrary Power of Annihilation Operators string operator 湮灭算符任意次幂本征态的Wigner函数串操作符;串算符;串运算符;字符串运算符
The Analysis of the Common Eigenstate and Entangled State of Two Particles 'Relative Coordination and the Sum of Boson Annihilation Operator 两粒子相对坐标与玻色湮灭算符之和的共同本征态及其纠缠性分析
A method for constructing orthonormalized eigenstates of annihilation operator b3-of a non harmonic is presented. 构造了非简谐振子湮灭算符3次幂的正交归一本征态。
The antibunching properties for the eigenstates of the Kth powers ( K ≥ 3) of the annihilation operator of the q-deformed non-harmonic oscillator are investigated. The numerical method is used to study the properties influenced by the parameter q. 研究了q变形非简谐振子湮没算符高次幂本征态的反聚束特性,并用数值计算方法定量研究了变形参量q对这一特性的影响。
Therefore interaction Hamitonian of the single mode light field with the medium is proportional to the fourth power of the annihilation operator plus creation operator. 因此,单模光场与此介质相互作用的哈密顿量正比于光场的湮灭算符与产生算符和的四次方。
Eigenstates of the Second Power of the Annihilation Operator of Two-Parameter Deformed Harmonic Oscillator 双参数形变谐振子湮没算符二次幂的本征态
In this paper, the quantum statistic properties of the eigenstates of the higher power of the annihilation operator of two-parameter deformed harmonic oscillator are investigated. 研究双参数形变谐振子湮没算符高次幂本征态的量子统计特性。
Photon-added squeezed vacuum states were fabricated by act inverse operator of Boson annihilation operator~ (-1) and Boson creation operator~+ on the squeezed vacuum states first. 利用玻色湮没算符的逆算符-a∧1及玻色产生算符a∧+分别作用于压缩真空态来构造增光子压缩真空态,并对它们的压缩特性进行了讨论。
Quantum statistic properties of the eigenstates of the annihilation operator b N-( N ≥ 2) of an non harmonic oscillator are studied. 本文研究了非简谐振子湮灭算符高次幂bN-(N≥2)本征态的量子统计性质。
The eigenstates of the Nth powers ( N ≥ 3) of the annihilation operator of the non-harmonic oscillator are constructed, and their mathematical and higher-order squeezing properties are studied. 构造出了非简谐振子湮没算符N次幂(N≥3)的N正交归一本征态,并且研究了它们的数学性质及其高次方压缩特性。
The eigenstates of the second power of the annihilation operator of a two-parameter deformed harmonic oscillator are constructed, and their completeness has been demonstrated in terms of the qs-integration. 本文明显构造了双参数形变谐振子湮灭算符二次幂的本征态,并利用qs-积分给出了其完备性的证明。
The generalized eigenstates of the higher power of the annihilation operator for a non harmonic oscillator are constructed It is found that they form a complete Hilbert space. 构造了非简谐振子湮没算符高次幂的广义本征态,发现它们构成完备Hilbert空间。
Squeezing properties of eigenstates of high order power of photon annihilation operator 多模SCS光场中广义电场的不等幂次高次和压缩光子湮没算符高次幂本征态的压缩性质
In this paper, after we have studied eigenstates of the 4th power of annihilation operator of the electromagnetic field and it's properties, we find that these states have some non-classical effects. 本文具体研究了电磁场消灭算符四次方a~4的本征态及其性质,发现这些具有非经典效应。
Eigenstates of K-th Power of q-Deformed Boson Annihilation Operator and Their Quantum Statistical Properties q-光子湮没算符K次方本征态及其量子统计性质
Then, the creation operator and annihilation operator similar to those in the quantum field theory are used to describe the state of turbulent eddy field. 然后,我们采用和量子场论相类似的产生算符和消灭算符来描述湍流涡旋系统所处的状态。
Geometrical Representation of the Creation and Annihilation operator 用几何方法表示产生算符与消没算符
Applying the inverse operator of the Boson creation operator and the Boson annihilation operator to the usual squeezed vacuum state, deplete squeezed vaccum states are fabricated and their anti-bunching properties of photons are studied by calculating their corresponding second-order correlation functions, respectively. 利用玻色产生算符的逆算符及玻色湮没算符作用于压缩真空态来构造减光子压缩真空态,并通过计算减光子压缩真空态的二阶关联函数来讨论它们的光子反群聚性质。
Quantum Statistic Properties of the Eigenstates of the Annihilation Operator b N-of a Non harmonic Oscillator 非简谐振子湮灭算符高次幂b-~N本征态的量子统计性质
The field energy, the field momentum and the charge have been given in terms of the creation operator and the annihilation operator. 将这一结果做了量子化处理,得出了由生成算子和湮灭算子表达的相互作用场的能量、动量以及电荷量,说明了多电荷离子和电子相互作用的动力学过程。
In the framework of dynamical invariant theory, we introduce the annihilation operator a ( t) and creation operator d+ ( t) for a time-dependent harmonic oscillator. 我们在含时动力学不变量理论的框架内引入了含时谐振子系统的玻色湮灭算符a(t)和产生算符a+(t)。